Welcome to Room 9 's Blog

Welcome to Room 9's blog. Come and see all the amazing things we have been learning

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Trip to the Zoo

We went to the zoo. We went on the bus. We saw lots of animals. We had a great day. Some of us were so tired we fell asleep on the bus on the way home.

Welcome to the Transition class at UHPS

We read the book "Roy G Biv". We learnt the colours of the rainbow. We painted rainbows on to a paper plate. We think they look wonderful on our wall.

We are learning to develop our fine motor skills to make our fingers strong for writing and drawing. We can hammer the nails into the shapes onto a board. We are also developing our hand and eye co-ordination.

We read the book "Maui and the Sun". We painted a picture of the sun. We used crayon and dye.

We were learning about shapes. We made circle pictures based on a painting by Wassily Kandinsky. As well as learning about shapes we were also learning to cut a circle following a line and order by size. We were also introduced to a famous artist's work.